Nurturing Growth: How the Nigerian Government Can Propel Catfish Farming

Catfish farming has become a cornerstone of Nigeria’s agricultural sector, playing a vital role in food production and economic development. Recognizing its significance, the Nigerian government has a unique opportunity to bolster this industry through targeted support and initiatives. we’ll explore the key areas where government intervention can make a profound impact on catfish farmers and the sector as a whole.

  1. Education and Training:

Knowledge is power, especially in agriculture. The government can institute comprehensive training programs and workshops to equip catfish farmers with the latest techniques, sustainable practices, and business acumen. This empowerment ensures that farmers are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of modern catfish farming.

  1. Access to Quality Fingerlings:

The foundation of a successful catfish farm lies in the quality of fingerlings. By establishing and maintaining government-operated hatcheries or providing subsidies for high-quality fingerlings, the government can ensure that farmers start their operations with strong genetic stock.

  1. Market Access and Value Addition:

Connecting catfish farmers to markets and promoting value addition are pivotal for sustained profitability. The government can facilitate market linkages and invest in processing and packaging facilities. This strategic move not only bolsters the economic viability of catfish farming but also elevates the industry’s competitiveness.

  1. Financial Support and Credit Facilities:

Farming demands significant investment in infrastructure, equipment, and technology. By offering access to low-interest loans, grants, and financial incentives, the government empowers catfish farmers to make these crucial investments, securing the future of their farms.

  1. Regulatory Framework and Policy Support:

A clear regulatory framework is indispensable for any industry’s growth and stability. The Nigerian government can lead the way by formulating and enforcing policies that regulate catfish farming, ensuring a conducive environment for farmers to thrive.

  1. Research and Development:

Innovation is key to sustainable growth. By allocating resources to research, the government can support the development of improved catfish varieties, optimized feed formulations, and disease-resistant strains. This investment translates to enhanced productivity and competitiveness within the sector.


The potential for growth in Nigeria’s catfish farming industry is boundless, and the government holds the key to unlocking it. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing education, access to resources, financial support, and regulatory frameworks, the government can catalyze a new era of prosperity for catfish farmers. The impact of this support extends far beyond the farms themselves, contributing significantly to Nigeria’s agricultural and economic landscape. As we look ahead, the future of catfish farming in Nigeria holds promise and potential, thanks to the visionary support of the government.

The African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

In 1976, the Netherlands became the first country in Europe to import African catfish. 40 African catfish imported from the Central African Republic to the Netherlands served as the initial broodstock. In recirculating aquaculture systems, commercial cultivation of this species began around 1985. (RAS).

Israel and South African catfish strains were imported much later. The “Dutch strain” of African catfish, which is now being cultivated, was created by crossing these strains in order to produce fingerlings.

On a farmer’s level, choosing brood stock is often done in a rather simple manner. It is highly expensive to maintain and strictly separate large populations of several African catfish strains over extended periods of time. If you are successful, the effects become apparent after a few years. For the commercial farmer, the next challenge is to maintain this edge for himself.

The need to demonstrate to his client the advantages of a superior strain is another challenge for the farmer raising African catfish fingerlings. In the eyes of a researcher, increases in growth and feed conversion ratio of, say, 5% are major accomplishments, but for a farmer, these improvements represent modest variations that are likely to go unnoticed without rigorous farm records.

Practically speaking, pricing is the primary factor influencing the market for fingerling African catfish. The availability, size, consistency, and health state of the African catfish are all priorities for hatcheries.

The majority of African catfish farmers (in the tropics and in Europe) are small to medium sized, poorly organized, and lack the resources and skills necessary to do meaningful research on genetic enhancements of their stocks. Universities have conducted the scant genetic study on African catfish, but it has never been taken seriously in reality.

Selection of African catfish broodstock

The production of African catfish is a relatively recent business. It began in Europe in the early 1980s, and at that time, only few farmers in Africa were engaged in widespread farming activities.

Picture of a ready-to-spawn African catfish broodstock

The initial broodstock originated in the wild. For instance, wild African catfish were imported into the Netherlands from Central Africa, and the first selection was made primarily on size. In my perspective, we were just selecting fish that could adapt to the intense farming methods used in warm water recirculation systems. Fish were brought in from Israel and RSA not long after the arrival of African catfish from Central Africa. The “Dutch African catfish” is a product of three strains since the strains were not maintained distinct in the Netherlands.

The processing business places a great deal of importance on the quality of the meat and the proportion of dress out. The strains from various parts of Africa differ from one another. Because fish is consumed whole in the tropics—no filets are removed from the fish, and heads and guts are not wasted—the element of flesh quality and dressing proportion is less significant.

Africa catfish hybridization
Heterobranchus and Clarias species interbred to create intergeneric hybrids, which are animals that belong to the Siluriformes order of animals (Ref.). The so-called “Hetero-clarias” is a well-known intergeneric hybrid created by mating a male Heterobranchus longifillis with a female Clarias gariepinus (see figure 5). The intergeneric hybrids exhibit traits from both parental species as a result of rearranging genetic material from both parents in the child.

For a group of farmers connected to a processing factory, we are raising this hybrid in our hatchery in the Netherlands. This group is particularly committed to raising and selling this kind of fish. Heteroclarias filets are white in color as opposed to Clarias gariepinus filets, which are pink or reddish, and have 30% more fat, which enhances the flavor. In hybrids, the gonads are essentially nonexistent and inactive. Because of this, the dressing % is higher than it would be for Clarias gariepinus. White filets from marine fish species can be substituted with the Heteroclarias fish filet.

Hybrid Heteroclarias juvenile showing characteristics of both Clarias (skin colour and body shape) and Heterobranchus (adipose fin, see detail picture below)
Detailed picture of the adipose fin (not connected as it is with Clarias gariepinus
A market size Heteroclarias is shown on the picture
A close up of a Heterobranchus longifilis fingerling. Please note the adipose fin (as shown in the hybrid)

benefits of hybridizing catfish
As a producer of Heteroclaria fingerlings, we see significant behavioral variations from the common African catfish. When frequent grading is ignored, the Heteroclarias fingerlings exhibit extreme cannibalism and exhibit a broad range of development. The Heteroclarias is readily strained in comparison to this. Well-graded fish exhibit highly equitable development and low mortality to the point of harvest at 1.4 kg at 12 weeks of age.

In the tropics, Heteroclarias is regarded as a better growing fish and is preferred over Clarias gariepinus for pond cultivation.

A producer of fingerlings will greatly benefit from hybridization. Because the hybrids are sterile, buyers cannot use those fish to continue reproducing. Pure parent stock is always kept on-site and never distributed to other farms. As compared to Clarias gariepinus, the pure Heterobranchus longifillis strain develops at a fairly late age of 2 years (1 year).

Upkeep of the African catfish broodstock
To obtain high-quality eggs and sperm, good brood stock maintenance is required. To have traceability for each batch of progeny and the potential for a breeding program, the broodstock should be individually branded. With the use of individual tagging, it is feasible to keep accurate records and ensure that the broodstock is given adequate time to recuperate after spawning.

For obvious reasons, broodstock should be kept apart from other farm activities:

  • To protect them from stress and illnesses
  • To achieve a year-round reproductive cycle, they must optimize their environment through a consistent light regime and consistent water quality.

We prefer recirculation systems in a confined area with temperature control if necessary. In the tropics flow through systems can work too if flushed with good quality borehole water.

Productivity of female broodstock

In our farm, the productivity of the female (fecundity) expressed as a percentage of the body weight is between 5-15%. The egg size tends to increase with the size of the female. In larger fish, the number of eggs per gram of eggs is lower than in smaller broodstock. On average, we count 500 eggs per gram. The average females we are using in our farm have a weight of 6 kg and produce 300-600 grams of eggs per female which equals to 150.000-300.000 eggs.

Egg production of African catfish

A female fish is selected from one of the broodstock fish tanks. With a small tube, it is possible to sample the eggs out of the ovaries to check if the nucleus has migrated to the side and if the egg size has a diameter of 1 mm or above. Most farmers do not perform this check as they just select by eye.

In captivity, females do not perform the final ripening of the eggs without hormonal treatment. The injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the form of natural pituitary glands or synthetic products like OVAPRIM induces the final step of ripening called vitellogenesis. In this final step the eggs are provided with yolk and take up water.

The period between injection with hormones and stripping of the eggs depends on the temperature of the water and the type of hormone used. Through trial and error, the perfect time for stripping can be determined. Too early or to late stripping results in bad egg quality and thus poor spawning results.

  • Too early stripping results in a very dry egg mass. It is difficult to completely strip the female because the eggs do not flow out. The female often dies because of stress and internal injuries.
  • Too late stripping results in a fluid egg mass. Often the female already released a lot of eggs in the preparation tank but stripping is very easy.

Stripping an African catfish female

Several hours after stripping we perform final stripping to remove all ripe eggs from the ovaries of the female. This is to prevent that these ripe eggs die inside the ovaries and start to deteriorate. This will harm the fish and can cause death of the broodstock female. The females have to stay in recovery for a couple of days before putting them back to the broodstock tank.

Stripping an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) female

Productivity of male broodstock

Sperm Harvesting

Male African catfish do not release sperm after treatment with hormones like many other fish species. The males have ripe sperm all year round. The fish should be at least 1 year old to have ripe gonads. A lot of variation can be seen between males of the same age in the ripeness and size of the testis. In practice, farmers sacrifice males in order to dissect the testis out of the abdomen. By making incisions in the testis tissue the sperm can be collected. As a consequence new male broodstock needs to be added to the broodstock population sacrificing the males is a big constraint on genetic programs.

Some farmers are using operations on the males. After tranquilizing the fish, a small incision is made in the belly of the fish, and with a syringe with needle, some sperm is taken out of the testis. Finally, the incision in the belly is stitched using veterinary stitching material and the male is able to recover in 1 to 2 weeks. During this time the wound closes completely.

Unlike the sperm of mammals sperm of fish is not active, but will become active as soon as it is in the water. The sperm is active for less than a minute, so it has to find an egg quickly before all the energy has gone. This is the reason that during the process of sperm collection all materials, hands, and fish should be dry. Although these precautions are taken, the sperm can be activated accidentally. The sperm concentration of good males is more than a million per ml!

Fertilization of African catfish

The eggs and sperm are collected in a dry glass or porcelain bowl and a dry small glass or porcelain cup respectively. A simple but effective way of fertilization is to bring the eggs and sperm together in the egg collection bowl and mix it gently before adding water.

In literature adding certain fertilizing solutions during fertilization is reported as being very beneficial because they are thought to extend the life of the sperm in order to improve the fertilization rate. I prefer not to use any extra fluids because any extra handling can give a problem too.

Artificial propagation of African catfish is a relatively simple procedure and many farmers are very skillful in doing it. Millions of larvae are hatched weekly in a country like Nigeria but until today there still is a shortage of good-quality fingerlings and juveniles. Reproduction of African catfish is following a certain procedure, but farming the larvae for 1 or 2 months to the juvenile stage comes down to the capabilities of the individual farmer.

Catfish Health, Nutrients and Benefits

Catfish are one of the oldest and most widespread fish species, adapting well to their environment. They thrive worldwide, with the exception of some places with extreme temperatures. This article details the nutrients, benefits, and downsides of catfish.

Nutrition Facts

This common fish has a terrific nutritional profile.

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of fresh catfish provides (1Trusted Source):

    • Calories: 105

    • Fat: 2.9 grams

    • Protein: 18 grams

    • Sodium: 50 mg

    • Vitamin B12: 121% of the Daily Value (DV)

    • Selenium: 26% of the DV

    • Phosphorus: 24% of the DV

    • Thiamine: 15% of the DV

    • Potassium: 19% of the DV

    • Cholesterol: 24% of the DV

    • Omega-3 fatty acids: 237 mg

    • Omega-6 fatty acids: 337 mg

In addition to being low in calories and sodium, catfish is packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Catfish is a low calorie, high protein seafood that’s a great source of nutrients, including vitamin B12, selenium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Catfish is a good source of various nutrients but low in calories, making it nutrient dense.

It is packed with lean protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissue and muscle, as well as for hormones, enzymes, and other molecules.

One 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish provides 32-39% of your daily protein needs in only 105 calories, compared to salmon providing half of your daily protein needs but over 230 calories. Nutrient-dense protein sources like catfish may aid weight loss by boosting feelings of fullness.

This fish is also a great option for people who are watching their calorie count but want to make sure they’re getting enough nutrients.

Contains omega-3 fatty acids

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends eating up to 8 ounces of fish or other seafood each week (3Trusted Source).

One reason for this recommendation is that catfish and other seafood tend to provide more omega-3 fatty acids than other foods (4Trusted Source).

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their role in brain health.

Although more research is needed, they may even help treat neurological and mental conditions, including memory loss, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression (5Trusted Source6Trusted Source).

What’s more, omega-3s are linked to improvements in skeletal muscle strength, heart health, and even the gut microbiome — the collection of healthy bacteria in your gut (7Trusted Source8Trusted Source9Trusted Source10Trusted Source).

A review of 23 studies in over 1 million people associated eating fish with an overall lower risk of death — and a 7% reduction in the chance of death for every 200 mg of omega-3s consumed daily (11Trusted Source).

Given that your body cannot produce omega-3s on its own, you need to get them through your diet. One 3.5-ounce (100-gram) catfish fillet delivers 237 mg, or 15–20% of the Adequate Intake (AI) for adults (5Trusted Source).

While catfish does provide omega-3s, it is a leaner fish that provides fewer fatty acids than a fatty fish like salmon.

A 3-ounce serving of fatty fish like salmon can contain up to 1,800 mg of omega-3s compared with a 3-ounce serving of catfish which contains only 200 mg of omega-3s (12Trusted Source).

A good source of vitamin B12

A single 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish boasts up to 121% of the DV for vitamin B12, which many people are deficient in (1Trusted Source).

Though several fish are high in this vitamin, catfish is a particularly outstanding source.

Adequate vitamin B12 levels are tied to several potential health benefits, including improved mental health, protection against heart disease, and prevention and treatment of anemia (13Trusted Source14Trusted Source15Trusted Source16Trusted Source17Trusted Source18Trusted Source19Trusted Source20Trusted Source).

All the same, further studies are needed on some of these benefits (21Trusted Source).

Cooking methods for catfish

Catfish can absolutely be part of a balanced diet, but cooking methods greatly influence how healthy it is.

This table examines how various cooking methods affect the calorie, sodium, and fat contents in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish (22Trusted Source23Trusted Source24Trusted Source):

  Dry heat without oil Baked or broiled
with oil
Breaded and fried
Calories 105 178 229
Fat 2.9 grams 10.9 grams 13.3 grams
Sodium 50 mg 433 mg 280 mg

Though catfish is commonly fried, other cooking options result in lower calorie, fat, and sodium contents.

Compared with dry heat cooking, frying catfish in oil adds as many as 124 calories and over 10 grams of fat. In contrast, some healthy dry heat cooking methods include baking, broiling, grilling, roasting, and pan frying.


How you cook catfish significantly affects its calorie, fat, and sodium levels. For a healthier option, stick with a dry heat method like baking or broiling.

Wondering if It’s Safe to Eat Catfish?

Fish is generally considered a healthy food source, but some people may want to limit their intake due to mercury, a common contaminant in fish that can harm a child’s development. Check with your doctor if you have any doubts, as the nutritional tradeoff is usually worth it due to the intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

A lot of people vouch for buying only wild-caught fish, but not everyone is aware of its differences from farm-raised seafood. 

Farm-raised seafood is farmed in large tanks after living their entire lives in a controlled environment. Wild-caught refers to fishes that come directly from their natural habitats.

Surprisingly, farm-raised seafood often contains higher levels of contaminants than wild-caught. Plus, they are more prone to diseases due to farming policies and have more saturated fats.

On the other hand, wild-caught fishes are lower in omega-3 fatty acids but often remain the better option due to previous concerns. However, they are generally more expensive, so keep that in mind before you go to the store.

Which Catfish Products Should I Buy?

Many catfish products can be found on the market, each with its own pros and cons. However, before heading to your local grocer, you should define whether you’ll want dressed catfish or not. Dressed refers to fishes that have been cleaned, with some of their dangerous parts cut off.