BATNF and FATE Foundation empowers young agripreneurs with N10m grant

Six successful agripreneurs who applied for the 2023 Farmers For Future (F4F) grant have been awarded N10 million by the British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF), which aims to support young agripreneurs and spark transformation.

The F4F Grant is an agricultural entrepreneurship initiative created to provide equity-free cash and other necessary support to young people (with successful agribusinesses) so they can grow their enterprises.

According to a release, the fact that more than 30,000 applications were received for the F4F program this year “is a resounding testament to the aspirations of Nigeria’s youth in agriculture and the profound impact of the F4F Grant.”

The top prize winner, Adebisi Opeyemi, CEO of Pemnia Wellness, took home N3 million as compensation.

The first runners-up in the competition, Edeh Felicitas, CEO of Felinech Global Company Limited, and Williams Ekwebelam, CEO of Bluefish Farm, each received N2 million naira. The second runners-up, Bernice Oyedele, CEO of Bernice’s Farm, Ideede Nukpugi, CEO of Favorite Fishery, and Idowu Femi, CEO of FMD Agro Concept, received N1 million apiece.

In addition to monetary compensation, the winners will receive all-encompassing support, such as technical help, industry professional mentorship, help registering their business, and admission to the prestigious Farmers for the Future alumni network.

According to the statement, “this holistic approach nurtures both agribusiness growth and personal development.”

The National Youth Service Corps and Fate Foundation collaborated to create this creative agricultural entrepreneurship program, which exemplifies BATN Foundation’s dedication to supporting the development of young Agripreneurs.

Nurturing Growth: How the Nigerian Government Can Propel Catfish Farming

Catfish farming has become a cornerstone of Nigeria’s agricultural sector, playing a vital role in food production and economic development. Recognizing its significance, the Nigerian government has a unique opportunity to bolster this industry through targeted support and initiatives. we’ll explore the key areas where government intervention can make a profound impact on catfish farmers and the sector as a whole.

  1. Education and Training:

Knowledge is power, especially in agriculture. The government can institute comprehensive training programs and workshops to equip catfish farmers with the latest techniques, sustainable practices, and business acumen. This empowerment ensures that farmers are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of modern catfish farming.

  1. Access to Quality Fingerlings:

The foundation of a successful catfish farm lies in the quality of fingerlings. By establishing and maintaining government-operated hatcheries or providing subsidies for high-quality fingerlings, the government can ensure that farmers start their operations with strong genetic stock.

  1. Market Access and Value Addition:

Connecting catfish farmers to markets and promoting value addition are pivotal for sustained profitability. The government can facilitate market linkages and invest in processing and packaging facilities. This strategic move not only bolsters the economic viability of catfish farming but also elevates the industry’s competitiveness.

  1. Financial Support and Credit Facilities:

Farming demands significant investment in infrastructure, equipment, and technology. By offering access to low-interest loans, grants, and financial incentives, the government empowers catfish farmers to make these crucial investments, securing the future of their farms.

  1. Regulatory Framework and Policy Support:

A clear regulatory framework is indispensable for any industry’s growth and stability. The Nigerian government can lead the way by formulating and enforcing policies that regulate catfish farming, ensuring a conducive environment for farmers to thrive.

  1. Research and Development:

Innovation is key to sustainable growth. By allocating resources to research, the government can support the development of improved catfish varieties, optimized feed formulations, and disease-resistant strains. This investment translates to enhanced productivity and competitiveness within the sector.


The potential for growth in Nigeria’s catfish farming industry is boundless, and the government holds the key to unlocking it. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing education, access to resources, financial support, and regulatory frameworks, the government can catalyze a new era of prosperity for catfish farmers. The impact of this support extends far beyond the farms themselves, contributing significantly to Nigeria’s agricultural and economic landscape. As we look ahead, the future of catfish farming in Nigeria holds promise and potential, thanks to the visionary support of the government.

Entrepreneurship Obstacles Newcomers Should Be Aware Of

Entrepreneurship has become a household name, especially in Nigeria. This is obvious in the searches available in Google Trends in the past 12 months having 100% search between April 7-13, 2019, and of recent 82% search on February 9-15, 2020 (

The talk around the subject of entrepreneurship has always been about the opportunities that abound.

Nevertheless, while there are opportunities there are also challenges that come with the terrain and these challenges can be a bit more magnified for newcomers especially if they don’t get mentored by more experienced entrepreneurs.

Highlighted below are some avoidable challenges new entrepreneurs should know and avoid

  • Lack of understanding of the position of money in business: Money is needed in business no doubt! But, what is the use of money if the skills needed to manage it is lacking. Better still, what does a soldier need most: arms and ammunition or military skills? Of course, the military skills because it gives the soldier an advantage in the war front over every other soldier without skills. The skills such as business skills, negotiating skills, and resourcefulness needed to run a business is more important than money.
  • Lack of Personal Development: To remain relevant and up to date with the trends as an entrepreneur you have to prioritize personal development. For newcomers in entrepreneurship, personal development could be having a mentor, buying books, taking online courses, attending workshops, etc. Investment in personal development is a good investment and it helps an entrepreneur to build systems for learning which results in efficiency in the production of goods and services.
  • Being too busy for Proper Cash Flow Management: An average entrepreneur has the mindset that as long as he/she is making sales and he/she is the one managing and handling money then there is no need for proper cash flow management. However, proper cash flow management is more than just handling money. It is an accounting system that shows all the business transactions of a business and it is used to aid decision-making. Cash flow in its simplest definition is the inflow and outflow of cash in the business.
  • Overlooking collaborative Entrepreneurial environment:  We are living in a fast-paced world and it is a matter of wisdom for winning in business to understand that collaboration is the way forward not competition. As a newbie, you will accomplish more if you leverage the strengths of existing businesses through partnerships. However, make sure all your partnership arrangements are documented.
  • The fear of “what if” Robert F. Kennedy said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Being an entrepreneur has its own attendant challenges such as betrayal, rejection, and failure. The fear you have is common to all men, what makes the difference is what fear drives you to do. Newcomers to entrepreneurship should understand that there is no end to “what if” in the course of the entrepreneurship journey and that is what makes entrepreneurship look more like an adventure. Dare to face your fear head-on!
  • Improper Use of Social Media: Social media is a great marketplace! However, many newcomers in entrepreneurship spend a lot of time on social media putting up a front different from reality instead of developing their crafts. The truth is that customers buy value hence, if your ‘social media’ promise is not the same as your delivery you will lose your customers.

Finally, challenges in entrepreneurship did not start today. Hence, as an entrepreneur, you have to be proactive and this means that you have to anticipate these challenges and make adjustments to mitigate them.

Enhancing Fish Farming in Nigeria: Strategies for Success

Nigeria has a rich aquatic ecosystem, making it an ideal location for fish farming. With proper techniques and management, fish farming can become a lucrative venture that not only boosts the economy but also provides a sustainable source of protein for the population. In this article, we will explore key strategies to improve fish farming in Nigeria.

1. Selecting the Right Fish Species

Choosing the appropriate fish species is crucial for success in fish farming. Tilapia, catfish, and carp are some popular choices in Nigeria due to their adaptability to local conditions. Consider factors like water temperature, availability of feed, and market demand when making your selection.

2. Quality Stock and Breeding Practices

Starting with healthy and high-quality fingerlings is fundamental to a successful fish farm. Partnering with reputable hatcheries or ensuring proper breeding practices on your farm will set the foundation for a thriving fish population.

3. Optimal Water Management

Water quality is paramount in fish farming. Regular testing and maintenance of water parameters like pH, oxygen levels, and temperature are crucial. Implementing efficient water circulation and filtration systems will help maintain a healthy aquatic environment for your fish.

4. Feeding Management

Balanced nutrition is essential for fish growth and health. Use high-quality feeds appropriate for the species you’re farming. Additionally, consider implementing feeding schedules and techniques that minimize wastage and ensure all fish receive adequate nutrition.

5. Disease Prevention and Management

Fish are susceptible to various diseases, which can lead to significant losses if not addressed promptly. Implement biosecurity measures, conduct regular health checks, and be prepared with treatment protocols in case of outbreaks.

6. Efficient Record Keeping

Maintaining detailed records of your farm operations is invaluable. This includes data on stock acquisition, feed usage, water quality, and growth rates. Analyzing this information can help you make informed decisions and fine-tune your farming practices.

7. Environmental Sustainability

Implementing eco-friendly practices in fish farming not only preserves the natural habitat but also enhances the long-term viability of your farm. Consider practices like integrated aquaculture, where fish farming is combined with other agricultural activities to create a balanced ecosystem.

8. Market Research and Value Addition

Understanding market trends and consumer preferences is essential for a profitable fish farming venture. Additionally, consider adding value to your products through processing and packaging to meet diverse consumer demands.


By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your fish farming operations in Nigeria. Remember, patience and continuous learning are key in this dynamic industry. With dedication and the right approach, your fish farm can become a model of success, contributing to both the local economy and the well-being of the community.

Happy farming!

Poultry Farming Treatment and Disease Prevention: A Comprehensive Guide

Poultry farming has been a staple of agriculture for centuries, providing us with a valuable source of protein. Whether you’re a backyard hobbyist or a commercial poultry farmer, it’s essential to understand the importance of disease prevention and effective treatment for your flock. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of poultry health, exploring common diseases, treatment options, and proactive measures to keep your feathered friends thriving.

Common Poultry Diseases:

  1. Avian Influenza (Bird Flu): Avian influenza is a contagious viral disease that affects birds. Symptoms include respiratory distress, decreased egg production, and sudden death. It can also pose a risk to human health.
  2. Newcastle Disease: Newcastle disease is highly contagious and affects the respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems of birds. Infected birds may exhibit coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge.
  3. Coccidiosis: Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that affects the intestinal tract of poultry. It can cause diarrhea, decreased growth rates, and even death in severe cases.
  4. Infectious Bronchitis (IB): IB is a viral respiratory disease that leads to coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and decreased egg production.

Treatment Options:

  1. Isolation: When you suspect a bird is ill, isolate it from the rest of the flock immediately to prevent the spread of disease.
  2. Medications: Antibiotics, antivirals, and anti-parasitic medications can be used to treat specific diseases. Consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and prescription.
  3. Vaccination: Implement a vaccination program recommended by poultry health experts to protect your flock against common diseases like Newcastle disease and avian influenza.
  4. Nutritional Support: Providing proper nutrition and clean water helps birds recover from illness and maintain strong immune systems.

Disease Prevention:

  1. Biosecurity Measures: Implement strict biosecurity practices on your farm to minimize the risk of disease introduction. This includes controlling access, disinfecting equipment, and preventing contact with wild birds.
  2. Cleanliness and Hygiene: Maintain a clean and well-ventilated coop or poultry house. Regularly clean and disinfect equipment, feeders, and waterers.
  3. Quarantine New Birds: Isolate new birds for a minimum of 30 days before introducing them to your existing flock. This prevents the spread of potential diseases.
  4. Proper Nutrition: Ensure your birds receive a balanced diet with adequate vitamins and minerals. This promotes strong immune systems and overall health.
  5. Routine Health Checks: Schedule regular health checks for your poultry with a veterinarian experienced in avian medicine. Early detection of diseases is key to effective treatment.


Successful poultry farming involves not only providing excellent care but also being vigilant about disease prevention and treatment. By following the recommended practices and seeking professional advice when necessary, you can maintain a healthy and productive flock. Remember that poultry health is a dynamic aspect of farming, and ongoing education and attention are vital to ensuring the well-being of your birds and the success of your poultry operation.

Supporting Your Poultry Farming Journey

At Bluefish Farm, we’re committed to empowering poultry farmers in Nigeria. We offer top-quality poultry breeds, feeds, and a wealth of resources and expertise to ensure your success.

Start your poultry farming journey today and become a key player in Nigeria’s agriculture and food security landscape. Contact us to kickstart your poultry farming venture!

Unlocking Prosperity with Poultry Farming in Nigeria: Your Path to Sustainable Agriculture

The Nigerian Poultry Revolution

Nigeria’s growing population and increasing demand for protein-rich diets have catapulted poultry farming into the spotlight. Poultry products, such as chicken meat and eggs, are dietary staples and preferred sources of affordable protein. Here’s why poultry farming should be on your radar:

  1. Growing Demand: Nigeria’s appetite for poultry products is insatiable. It’s a market that’s constantly expanding, offering significant opportunities for poultry farmers.
  2. Economic Empowerment: Poultry farming creates jobs and income opportunities, particularly in rural areas. By starting your poultry farm, you can contribute to local economic growth and empowerment.
  3. Food Security: Poultry farming plays a crucial role in ensuring food security. Your farm can contribute to a steady supply of high-quality protein to communities across Nigeria.

Getting Started with Poultry Farming in Nigeria

  1. Knowledge and Training: Begin your journey by gaining a solid understanding of poultry farming. Attend training programs, workshops, or consult experienced poultry farmers to acquire essential knowledge.
  2. Business Plan: Develop a well-thought-out business plan that outlines your goals, budget, and marketing strategies.
  3. Site Selection: Choose a suitable location for your poultry farm, ensuring access to clean water, proper ventilation, and proximity to markets.
  4. Infrastructure: Invest in well-designed poultry houses, coops, or cages to provide your birds with a comfortable and disease-free environment.
  5. Stocking and Care: Select healthy and reputable breeds. Proper feeding, disease prevention, and good management practices are vital for your flock’s well-being.
  6. Egg and Meat Production: Depending on your goals, you can focus on egg production, meat production, or both. Explore different poultry breeds and production systems to determine what suits your farm best.

Supporting Your Poultry Farming Journey

At Bluefish Farm, we’re committed to empowering poultry farmers in Nigeria. We offer top-quality poultry breeds, feeds, and a wealth of resources and expertise to ensure your success.

Start your poultry farming journey today and become a key player in Nigeria’s agriculture and food security landscape. Contact us to kickstart your poultry farming venture!

Stay tuned to our blog for more insights, success stories, and valuable tips to make your poultry farming venture a resounding success.

Unlocking Success in Catfish Farming: A Guide for Nigerian Aquaculturists

Are you ready to dive into the world of aquaculture and explore the incredible opportunities it offers right here in Nigeria? Catfish farming has emerged as a lucrative and sustainable venture, and today, we’re here to shed light on how you can be part of this thriving industry.

Why Catfish Farming in Nigeria?

Nigeria’s favorable climate, vast water resources, and growing demand for seafood make it an ideal destination for catfish farming. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider venturing into this exciting field:

  1. High Demand: The demand for catfish in Nigeria is soaring. With a population of over 200 million people, the market for fresh, locally-produced catfish is constantly expanding.
  2. Profitability: Catfish farming can be a profitable venture when done right. Proper management and techniques can yield substantial returns on your investment.
  3. Sustainability: Unlike some other forms of protein production, catfish farming is environmentally friendly and can be practiced with minimal impact on natural resources.

Getting Started with Catfish Farming

  1. Selecting Your Site: Choose a suitable location for your fish farm. Ensure access to clean water, good soil, and proximity to markets.
  2. Choosing Your Catfish Species: Common catfish species in Nigeria include the Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) and Heterobranchus longifilis (Nigerian catfish). Select the species that aligns with your goals and local demand.
  3. Building Ponds or Tanks: Construct well-designed ponds or tanks based on your budget and space. Proper pond construction is crucial for successful farming.
  4. Water Management: Maintain proper water quality and temperature. Regularly check and adjust pH levels, oxygen content, and water circulation.
  5. Feeding and Nutrition: Provide high-quality, nutritionally balanced feed to ensure healthy growth. Consult with a nutritionist or expert for the best feeding practices.
  6. Disease Prevention: Implement biosecurity measures to prevent disease outbreaks. Regularly monitor your fish for signs of illness and take prompt action if necessary.
  7. Harvesting and Marketing: Harvest your catfish at the right size and market them to local restaurants, markets, or processing plants.

Resources and Support for Catfish Farmers

At Bluefish Farm, we’re committed to supporting aspiring and experienced catfish farmers in Nigeria. Explore our range of catfish fingerlings, juveniles, and expert guidance to kickstart your journey to success.

Catfish farming in Nigeria holds incredible potential for those willing to invest time and effort. Join the ranks of successful aquaculturists and contribute to the nation’s food security while building a profitable business.

Ready to take the plunge into catfish farming? Contact us today, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Stay tuned to our blog for more tips, insights, and success stories from the world of catfish farming in Nigeria.

Catfish Health, Nutrients and Benefits

Catfish are one of the oldest and most widespread fish species, adapting well to their environment. They thrive worldwide, with the exception of some places with extreme temperatures. This article details the nutrients, benefits, and downsides of catfish.

Nutrition Facts

This common fish has a terrific nutritional profile.

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of fresh catfish provides (1Trusted Source):

    • Calories: 105

    • Fat: 2.9 grams

    • Protein: 18 grams

    • Sodium: 50 mg

    • Vitamin B12: 121% of the Daily Value (DV)

    • Selenium: 26% of the DV

    • Phosphorus: 24% of the DV

    • Thiamine: 15% of the DV

    • Potassium: 19% of the DV

    • Cholesterol: 24% of the DV

    • Omega-3 fatty acids: 237 mg

    • Omega-6 fatty acids: 337 mg

In addition to being low in calories and sodium, catfish is packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Catfish is a low calorie, high protein seafood that’s a great source of nutrients, including vitamin B12, selenium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Catfish is a good source of various nutrients but low in calories, making it nutrient dense.

It is packed with lean protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissue and muscle, as well as for hormones, enzymes, and other molecules.

One 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish provides 32-39% of your daily protein needs in only 105 calories, compared to salmon providing half of your daily protein needs but over 230 calories. Nutrient-dense protein sources like catfish may aid weight loss by boosting feelings of fullness.

This fish is also a great option for people who are watching their calorie count but want to make sure they’re getting enough nutrients.

Contains omega-3 fatty acids

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends eating up to 8 ounces of fish or other seafood each week (3Trusted Source).

One reason for this recommendation is that catfish and other seafood tend to provide more omega-3 fatty acids than other foods (4Trusted Source).

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their role in brain health.

Although more research is needed, they may even help treat neurological and mental conditions, including memory loss, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression (5Trusted Source6Trusted Source).

What’s more, omega-3s are linked to improvements in skeletal muscle strength, heart health, and even the gut microbiome — the collection of healthy bacteria in your gut (7Trusted Source8Trusted Source9Trusted Source10Trusted Source).

A review of 23 studies in over 1 million people associated eating fish with an overall lower risk of death — and a 7% reduction in the chance of death for every 200 mg of omega-3s consumed daily (11Trusted Source).

Given that your body cannot produce omega-3s on its own, you need to get them through your diet. One 3.5-ounce (100-gram) catfish fillet delivers 237 mg, or 15–20% of the Adequate Intake (AI) for adults (5Trusted Source).

While catfish does provide omega-3s, it is a leaner fish that provides fewer fatty acids than a fatty fish like salmon.

A 3-ounce serving of fatty fish like salmon can contain up to 1,800 mg of omega-3s compared with a 3-ounce serving of catfish which contains only 200 mg of omega-3s (12Trusted Source).

A good source of vitamin B12

A single 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish boasts up to 121% of the DV for vitamin B12, which many people are deficient in (1Trusted Source).

Though several fish are high in this vitamin, catfish is a particularly outstanding source.

Adequate vitamin B12 levels are tied to several potential health benefits, including improved mental health, protection against heart disease, and prevention and treatment of anemia (13Trusted Source14Trusted Source15Trusted Source16Trusted Source17Trusted Source18Trusted Source19Trusted Source20Trusted Source).

All the same, further studies are needed on some of these benefits (21Trusted Source).

Cooking methods for catfish

Catfish can absolutely be part of a balanced diet, but cooking methods greatly influence how healthy it is.

This table examines how various cooking methods affect the calorie, sodium, and fat contents in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of catfish (22Trusted Source23Trusted Source24Trusted Source):

  Dry heat without oil Baked or broiled
with oil
Breaded and fried
Calories 105 178 229
Fat 2.9 grams 10.9 grams 13.3 grams
Sodium 50 mg 433 mg 280 mg

Though catfish is commonly fried, other cooking options result in lower calorie, fat, and sodium contents.

Compared with dry heat cooking, frying catfish in oil adds as many as 124 calories and over 10 grams of fat. In contrast, some healthy dry heat cooking methods include baking, broiling, grilling, roasting, and pan frying.


How you cook catfish significantly affects its calorie, fat, and sodium levels. For a healthier option, stick with a dry heat method like baking or broiling.

Health Benefits of Catfish?

Catfish is a low-calorie meal that provides essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, proteins, and omega-3. It is also versatile and affordable.

Catfish is a popular game fish, but it also has many nutritional benefits. It is affordable and available in the US.

These species are known for having sensory organs called barbels that resemble whiskers, making them easily recognizable. They usually live in lakes and streams, although you can also find their nests in deep pools that provide cover for the younger catfish. At night, adults move into shallower water — which is usually when fishers catch them.

People often describe the catfish taste as being milder in flavor than other fishes, similar to sweet whitefish. While this may seem like a disadvantage, it also means that catfish can easily be adapted into your diet through various recipes.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Catfish?

Catfish, like most other fishes, has valuable nutritional properties that make it ideal for sustaining a balanced diet. Paired with its mild flavor and affordable prices, catfish is a fantastic alternative to more expensive meats such as pork.

Low in calories. Catfish only has about 98 calories in a 100-gram portion, making it a great choice for people looking after their weight. This also makes it ideal for replacing other, more caloric meats such as poultry in most recipes.

Fantastic protein source. Like most fish, catfish is known for providing a lot of protein — a 100-gram serving contains 13 grams, representing 26% of the recommended daily quantity. Protein is crucial for maintaining and growing cells and tissues.

High in vitamin B12. Most people don’t consume enough vitamin B12 — a compound vital to nerve function, cell metabolism, and DNA production. Catfish is an excellent source for it, surpassing the daily recommended value in a single 100-gram serving.

Provides healthy fats. While it does have a slight amount of saturated fats, catfish also provides a good amount of healthy lipids in a single portion. Plus, fish is also known to contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent heart disease, dementia, and cancer.

Start up a Catfish Farm

bluefish farm

With this information, starting and maintaining a fish farm is not as challenging as it initially appears. The size and goals of the business owner will determine how well a farm is established. It might be on a small, medium, or huge size.

A small scale institution can hold up to 50,000 starting sized pieces, a medium scale establishment can hold between 50,000 and 100,000 pieces, and anything more than that is considered a big scale establishment.

Fish farming is easy to carry out as compared to other complicated modes of farming. The only thing someone needs is a piece of land and a constant source of water. But before this, you will have to have a blueprint for your startup, which should be based on your capital. Knowing the amount on hand, then you can manage expenses for the basic requirements.

Securing a piece of land is the first set towards having a fish farm, and the great advantage of this is that the land does not need any special treatment and clearing as long as it is plain terrain. This also includes establishment in any good location, it could even be in an estate since fish doesn’t cause any environmental disturbance but this still depends on an agreement with the neighbors.

All you have to do is just look for a land where you can get it cheap and buy, and the size depends on the capacity you want to manage, the bigger the space, the more fish you can rear, and also decides the amount of return you should expect. I recommend a half plot if it would be an average fish farm.

For the building and piping of the pond needed for fish breeding after procuring the necessary land, you will need professionals. You can get a specification from what you see on other farms and the expert will give his advice and knowledge. This is where things get tricky because it’s the quality of a pond that determines a long-term fish farming business.

Thus, you shouldn’t just choose any plumber or construction engineer; instead, get one who specializes in this industry. You don’t want to start the business to begin to see your fish on the ground or add to the numbers in the ocean.

There are different kinds of ponds system for catfish farming, which also vary in different designs. However, the most common types used in Nigeria and easy to manage are plastic ponds, tarpaulin ponds, concrete ponds, and earthen ponds.

A person choosing a pond system may need to consult an expert since different factors must be considered based on the phase of production that is being chosen.

In the absence of a significant piece of land, huge ponds, tanks, and drums can be used for a modest start-up.

Setting up the ponds is not difficult, but one must ensure a proper drainage system, this is where the plumbing work has to be done and monitored properly.

This includes having a water source and channel inlets to the ponds, as the adequate water supply is very vital for a fish farm and lack of it may result in a tragedy because water needs to be changed at regular intervals. Naturally, available sources of water such as wells, boreholes, and river water are the most suitable. Other sources like rainwater and tap water from the chemically treated source are not recommended for the rearing of fish.

Installing an above tank will also be necessary since it will act as a water reservoir from which the ponds will receive their water supply. For the farm’s water supply and flow to be practical, this must be done through a reliable plumbing system.

Cost of Starting a Catfish Farming Business

Setting up a fish farm requires more careful planning and much capital input. To meet all the basic requirements to start a small-scale fish farm, can cost between N500,000 and N4 million, depending on the land cost, type of pond, pond size, number of stock, type of production, other equipment, and facilities.

Starting with a plastic pond is cheaper as all you have to do is buy the already-made pond and set it up with good plumbing and waterworks. Other types of ponds that require construction may require a range amount of N200,000 to N500,000, with plumbing expenses.

A good water source like the borehole should cost nothing less than N300,000, depending on the location and the other costs are managing and feeding expenses, which can cost up to N1 million.

A big farm would require extra expenses for employees and other workers. Also, since we are in a world of technology, one might want to spend more on technology equipment, website, and software to grow the business, doing specific programs like payroll, and social media management.

Starting the Business

After having the land, a pond, an overhead tank, and a good water channel, then you are ready to stock and become a big-time fish farmer. All you need to do is obtain your initial stock of a decent species, such as fry (freshly born fish), fingerlings (catfish aged 0–4 weeks), or juveniles (catfish aged 4–8 weeks), from a farm that specializes in providing them. Furthermore, make sure your fish are coming from a reputable source.

Yet all you need to do is make sure that your inventory won’t fill up all the available space.

For beginners just starting the business, I recommend the stock of Juveniles, rather than Fingerlings, for better management and because they are less sensitive to the water PH.

Managing the Business

Managing a fish farm is the main business and this would require all available resources, time, and labor. It is the proper management of the farm that will determine the output and the success of the production.

Managing a fish farm starts with pond management, how secure the pond is, and how vulnerable it is to pests and diseases. To safeguard the health and development of the fish when beginning a new business with a pond, make sure that the pond toxins are neutralized. This concerns the users of tarpaulin or plastic ponds.

The safest way to ensure that a pond will cause no harm is to wash the pond with salt and fill it with water for five days before stocking in the pond. This can also boost water quality. For an earthen pond user, applying fertilizer after constructing the pond will make the soil fertile. If the soil of your pond is not fertile, then it will hamper the health and proper growth of fish.

Also, make sure there is no hole in the pond and that it is strong enough not to fall apart. A good water flow direction will also help a pond last longer. There should be a downward slope direction to the outlet.

Assured that the pond is eligible and safe for use, water quality has to be monitored and if not properly managed, it could lead to a disaster. Water management is very important in a fish farming business, as fishes live, breathe, feed, grow, and excrete wastes in the water, and are, therefore, totally susceptible to changes in water quality. For fish to maintain an optimum level of health, and avoid stress or disease then the water quality of the water must be monitored and controlled, as a fish’s life is dependent on the water it lives in for all needs.

Catfish become stressed when key water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, alkalinity, hardness nitrogenous waste, dissolved oxygen, and salinity are not kept with specified thresholds.

Knowing the quality of your water source is very important and could be tested with water testing kits like the water pH meter.

The measure of the alkalinity or acidity of water is expressed by its pH value. The pH value ranges from 0 to 14, with pH 7 indicating that the water is neutral, while a value smaller than 7 indicates acidity, and a value greater than 7 notes alkalinity. Fish production can be greatly affected by excessively low or high pH.

Young-age fishes like the fries, fingerlings, and juveniles are more sensitive than adults. Waters ranging in pH from 6.5 to 8.5 at sunrise are generally the most suitable for growing fish, and extreme pH values can even kill your fish. Most cultured fish will die in waters with a pH below 4.5 and 10 or above.

The key is to keep soil pH at 6.5 or above, which will usually maintain water pH, hardness, and alkalinity at desirable levels.

Pond water with unfavorable PH for fish production can be corrected by the use of water-soluble fertilizer which will ensure that your water’s pH and acidity are within acceptable limits and are a necessary part of managing the alkalinity, hardness, and pH of the water.

If the pH is below 6.5 at sunrise, proving that it is acidic, then you will have to use lime and alkaline fertilizers that do not cause hardness problems in treated water, like soda ash (sodium carbonate) and sodium hydroxide which would raise the pH of water when injected into a water system.

Note that this is always done with caution and should have a measurement according to the quantity of the water and the reactions of the fish should be monitored. Ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide (lime), or magnesium hydroxide can also be used. To be on the safe side, I recommend sodium bicarbonate because it is not harsh on fish.

If the pH is above 8.5 at sunrise, showing that it is too alkaline, you can lower the pH with the use of acid fertilizers like phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid (HCI), nitric acid or carbon dioxide can be used, in addition to sulfuric.

To run a profitable fish farm, you should be able to properly manage the feeding of fish. Catfish eat two times a day, morning and evening and water would have to be changed regularly (averagely once in two days) since feeding would lead to excretion and it is risky for catfish to live in unchanged water.

You should also adopt sorting and grading of fishes, as this act of separating fishes into categories of their various physical growth will create more space and uniformity. For this, you will need a labor force.

Fish farms are easy to maintain as long as the fish are fed good nutritional feed and you make sure the ponds are secured, the farmer is assured of a good harvest.

You should monitor the health of your fish and the fish pond should be protected from predators. Daily scouting should be done and suspected fishes should be isolated from the pond to avoid spreading diseases all over the pond.

Fish diseases can be treated by using salt, potassium permanganate solution, chemicals, and drugs for veterinary uses. Above all, prevention is better than treatment.

If you are successful in managing the business, then you could as well mix things up and venture into another phase of production.

Knowing the Phases of Production

After stocking your preferred number of fingerlings, the way you manage it will determine the phase of products suitable for you, but this could also be by choice. Different phases of catfish production vary according to size.

Catfish becomes ready for sale when it has an average weight size of 300 to 400 grams. This is called the mélange production, the raising of catfish from fingerlings to three months to meet the size of those that smoke and sell.

Table Size Production is the raising of catfish from fingerlings to an average weight size of 500 to 700 grams, usually from 4 to 5 months from fingerlings.

This follows the grow-out stage, an average size of 1kg upward. At this stage, the fishes are in their bigger sizes and are at least six months old.

Broodstock Production is an exclusive part of the business, as it is the raising of catfish for the specific purpose of becoming a parent stock for the hatchery. They are usually raised for over a year.


The catfish market is readily available both locally and internationally. Major urban centers in Nigeria are readily available markets for fish. For large-scale fish farmers, the international market is available. The fish market is growing, and Nigeria has had to import fish from China because the demand exceeds the supply this has also made us witness Chinese farmers coming to Nigeria for large-scale catfish production.

The government in recent years has been giving technical support to fish farmers. The Nigerian government is dedicated to encouraging more Nigerians to start raising fish for both small-scale and commercial purposes, as this agricultural sector has not been completely used.

The good news is that there is still more room for growth and investment in this sector. The sector is still growing. Catfish farmers could easily combine it with other fish species.